Garden Tips for Stormy Weather

Garden Tips for Stormy Weather

Jun 07 , 2017

Ryan Hampton

June 7th 2017

On the 22nd February 2017, just prior to Storm Doris battering the UK, we wrote a blog post which aimed to give some advice to gardeners during a period of predicted bad weather! Little did we know that we can now refer to this post in June as it still holds relevance! What is up with this recent weather!? It was just this morning that I fulfilled my morning dog walking ritual which takes place at the Forfar Loch every morning, and to my surprise the place appeared as though a tornado had struck... Trees were uprooted, tree debris lay scattered all over the pathways with litter, foliage and other victims of the wind adding testament to the destruction of the previous night! Heavy wind and strong showers have been a daily occurrence in recent days. So much for summer....
The UK is known for its unpredictable and sometimes volatile weather but nevertheless we still love to complain about it at any given opportunity. It is simply what we do.

But on a serious note, with summer having started, and the first blossoms of the year having come and gone, a major storm like last night can seriously hinder our gardening efforts. Heavy wind and gales are responsible for a huge percentage of damage to property across the UK. But there are numerous ways in which we can combat this invisible, yet destructive force!

1 - Take your property, where possible, indoors. Potted plants, garden decorations and hanging baskets should be stored either in a garden shed, garage or house. Furthermore, remember to close and lock down the door. The wind is likely to damage an open door and is also likely to heavily disrupt both your sleep as well as your neighbours. No one likes the sound of a banging door in the middle of the night! It's just not nice.

2 - Ensure that property that cannot be stored away from the elements are fitted securely. We have all seen the videos of a trampoline getting carried down the street by the wind. Although this can be somewhat humorous, it is also incredibly dangerous. I came out of my front-door this morning to find my wheelie bin had been dragged, against its own-will I presume, onto the lawn. Now that's a good 15 metres from where he usually lives! On the plus side it was bin collection day yesterday, and so an empty bin avoided my lawn resembling a landfill site. Avoid this by securely tying down large pieces of equipment, or dismantling and storing them accordingly. Rope, chain and breeze-blocks could all act as temporary anchors to ensure you do not have to go searching the neighbourhood for your children’s Wendy House. 

3 - Ensure you have done all you can to protect your plants. You have invested time and money into growing them - don’t let the elements destroy them without a fight! Use twine (we happen to sell a variety of beautiful twine on our website) to tie back plants to give them the best chance to stay alive in harsh conditions. Be careful not to tie them too tightly though as this could prompt them to snap under severe tension during high winds. The creation of a wind breaker could also help reduce the force of wind that hits your plants and they are relatively simple to construct. If you couple a windbreaker with tying your plants, you will greatly increase their chance of survival!

Chunky Twine Dove Grey

Above is an image of Nutscene’s thick chunky twine in Dove Grey - useful for jobs requiring a sturdy cord. Available at:

4 - Ensure your trees are pruned. In areas where heavy winds are common, ensure large trees are pruned so the wind can pass through the branches and the tree is effectively more aerodynamic. Falling trees are responsible for killing people every year - by taking an afternoon to prune, you could help avoid an accident or damage to structures, roads, cars etc. 

5 - Ensure your plants are watered during high winds. If they are damaged by the wind, they will suffer severe trauma - ensure they are watered regularly as the water they hold will evaporate faster when damaged and during gales. 

We hope this post will be useful to you… Make sure to follow us for more hints and tips in the future! Nutscene - for more than just gardening.